Charitable Work
As a collective we are committed to supporting our local communities and whilst our time is precious and limited, we know that together we are stronger and therefore always strive to help not for profit projects where we can. Here are some of the ways in which we volunteer our time to support others to shine.
Charities we support
Yellow Wellies (Farm Safety Foundation)

Louisa is an Ambassador for The Farm Safety Foundation’s (Yellow Wellies Farm Safety Foundation / Yellow Wellies – Mind Your Head campaign. This raises awareness around poor mental health in farmers under the age of 40. More information about The Farm Safety Foundation is available through the link above.
Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI)

Louisa is also a member of RABI’s (Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution) Cumbria Committee, volunteering to help at funding raising events and to spread the word about their work. RABI aim to uplift and support farming people through the provision of practical, financial and emotional assistance. More information on their services is available via The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI).
Men Walking & Talking (Penrith)

Facilitated by Chris, this group provides an opportunity for men to take their first step towards showing up for themselves. It also aims to provide a safe container where men can walk and talk and share what they feel without any judgement. It includes meeting others with similar or different lived experiences and their walks take place weekly. For further information please click here to find out more.
Give a Day to the City

We thoroughly enjoy taking to the high street of Carlisle to help lift up the hearts of members of the public there, as part of our Lifting Up and Lightening The Hearts of our Locals project for Give a Day To The City. To find out more about Give a Day To The City click here.

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