I felt called to connect with the playful side of my spirit recently and really harness the value of self-care. I was reminded of this today whilst sitting in my therapy space and routinely lighting my candle.
I realised it looked ever so solemn & under-resourced, it’s flame struggling to sparkle amongst the scarcity that secured it.

This really spoke to me, resembling the recent familiarity of overstretching myself, of spreading myself out too thinly to serve others. My zest for life and inner flame was starting to feel fatigued, a tad frustrated and a little lifeless.
Sometimes it takes magical moments like these to teach me, subtle lessons that guide me back to balance before I end up bleakly succumbing to burnout.
When moments like these arrive, I value venturing inwards, to curiosity and creativity to rekindle the courage & confidence to step back into alignment. With that playfulness peeping through I’d like to share with you some fabulous flame related quotes and my interpretation of them in these moments.
“The lamp burns bright when wick and oil are clean.”
– Ovid
We cannot harness the height of our worldly wisdom when we dirty our minds with a million to dos and clutter our hours up with actions that muddy our clarity.
“A man without patience is a lamp without oil.”
– Andres Segovia
Persistence is key, everything is happening just as it should, small steps see us soar.
“We have a lamp inside us. The oil of that lamp is our breathing, our steps, and our peaceful smile. Our practice is to light up the lamp.”
– Thich Nhat Hanh

Do what lights you up & what feels right to burn bright, make space for it for sure.
And finally, I simply couldn’t resist finishing this brief blog with this terrific little tune (love the visual in this kids version)….
With love & light (of course),
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