Fitness & Mindset
Elevate your mental and physical potential through tailored support which also serves to boost motivation and your overall mindset.
Endurance coaching
Fitness and Mindset Coach Ben Hale offers endurance coaching through his online Team Alpha programme. From races that are local to Cumbria, all the way to World and European championships Ben’s clients have had great success through this programme, having great fun as a team and building a tight-knit, supportive community around their competitions, events and racing adventures.
You don’t have to be World level to be a part of Team Alpha. It caters for all abilities to ensure clients get the results that they are capable of and deserve. Ben believes what gives his clients the edge is his background competing at a high level in multiple disciplines, including Boxing, Running and Triathlon.
Alpha programme
Ben’s Alpha Programme has been built, tried, tested and improved over the last 5 years. The aim of the programme is to initially develop a perfect fitness foundation and build up from there. He supports you to fix what’s NOT working for you, to set you on your way to ultimately becoming the fittest, most resilient and strongest version of yourself.
Ben works with clients from his home in Wigton, Cumbria all the way to the USA and Canada. They love his approach to all things weight loss, mindset and nutrition where focus isn’t on an end of goal of an event or competition but on bettering themselves across multiple health and wellbeing domains.
Youth Mentoring
Being a young man raised in a single parent home in Manchester, Ben understands more than anyone the challenges that young men face. Whether it be issues related to substance misuse, aggression or violence, it all stems from the same place – a lack of relatable and accessible support.
Are you a parent, school or organisation serving adolescents in Cumbria or beyond interested in finding out more about Youth Mentoring? Please reach out to find out more around how this may be able to support young people build confidence, increased resilience and achieve their goals.
Investment for adult online coaching: From £95 per month
Investment for online teen coaching: £30 per 60 minute session

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